Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Wednesday, April 1st> Activities

Good Morning my dear Toddlers!

I'm looking forward to see you all today during our Zoom video meeting at 3:45 p.m.

I have uploaded another video from our school counselor Ms. Suad, under the tap: Conscious Disciple & High Scope.

Small Group Activity: A “Perfect” Match
Approximate Time: 15 minutes
Materials Needed:
Your family’s socks
Vocabulary: match, same, different, pair

How to start the activity:
Put all the socks in one pile, and say something like, “All our socks are mixed up and I need your help. Can you tell me which of these socks belong together?”
What to do in the middle: 
Allow your child to examine the socks.  Your child will find socks to match.  Describe what your child is doing while identifying characteristics of the socks. For example, “You found two red socks, that’s a match.”  I wonder what other match you can find.
Extension:(to further challenge the child you may add the following steps)
     Invite your child to count how many socks and then as a pair.
     Let them describe the socks then they can draw their favorite sock!
How to finish the activity:
Help your child match any socks which he/she may not have matched and put them together in the laundry basket. 

Small Group Activity: Do you See What I see?
Approximate Time: 15 minutes

Materials Needed:
Objects around the room
Vocabulary: ‘Things around the room’; pillow, bowl, truck, window
How to start the activity:
Tell your child that you are going to play a game where you have to hunt for things around the room.  You are going to tell your child to hunt for something and he or she is going to look for it.  Start with big objects that are big and easy to see.  For example, “I spy a big, blue pillow.”  Your child may point or touch it.
What to do in the middle: 
If your child is struggling to find objects, give simple clues like mentioning something that is near it, or its color.
Extension:(to further challenge the child you may add the following steps)
     After he/she finds the object, ask him/her to describe it for you!
     Let your child lead the game and as a caregiver try to find the object.
How to finish the activity:
Let your child know that they will search for one more object to finish the game.  Make it something obvious. 

Monday, March 30, 2020

Tuesday March 31st > Activities

Good Morning my dear Toddlers!

Kindly check the new video that I have posted under the tap "Conscious Discipline & HighScope".

Small Group Activity: Shaving foam and food color

Approximate Time: 15 minutes
Materials Needed:
Shaving foam, food color, tray, plain paper

Vocabulary: mix, draw circle, straight lines, curves

How to start the activity:
Spray the shaving foam on the table/tray. Identify the color. Say, “I wonder what will happen if I add red food color 
What to do in the middle: 
Notice what your child is doing.  Add into her play by drawing basic shapes, straight lines, and curves. Place a plain paper on the shaving foam and observe the prints the shaving foam makes.
Extension:(to further challenge the child you may add the following steps)
 Invite your child to mix two colors and notice the changes! Example, Red and yellow make orange.
How to finish the activity:
Give a five minutes warning.  Clean the table together and then wash hands. Hang your art of shaving foam to dry.

Small Group Activity:  Lining up stickers
Approximate Time: 15 minutes
Materials Needed:
Plain paper, (draw straight lines on the paper), stickers
Vocabulary: line, peel and stick, if colored stickers identify the colors
How to start the activity:
I see a straight line.  I will pull and stick my stickers on the straight line
What to do in the middle: 
Acknowledge your child’s effort.  Identify the colors on the stickers.  
You can draw a zigzag or curve.  If your child pulls off the stickers, it’s
Extension:(to further challenge the child you may add the following steps)
Invite your child to stick the sticker as a pattern like, Red, blue, red, blue.
How to finish the activity:
Bring the activity to an end by telling your child something like this, “After you stick three stickers, we will finish the activity. Decide where you will display the work.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Monday, March 30th> Activities

Good Morning my dear Toddlers!

Small Group Activity: Free the Animals
Approximate Time: 10 minutes
Materials Needed:
     Toy Animals
     Rubber Bands
Vocabulary: Pull, remove, free, untie
How to start the activity:
     Tell the child that some animals got stuck in the rubber bands and you will need his/her help to free them (This activity is to help strength their small finger muscles)
What to do in the middle:
     Observe how the child removes the rubber band and say comments like “I can see you are pulling hard.” “You are pulling up or down or on the side” Describe the child’s actions.
     When the child release the animal, ask him/her if he/she wants to do it again and help you tie the animals this time.
·      Bring a water bottle and encourage the child to put the rubber bands around the bottle. The child will have to use the strength in their hands to open the rubber band and then place it around the bottle.
How to finish the activity:
     Give the child a 5 minutes warning.
     Tell the child that is time to clean up. Let him/her help you to put the materials away.

Small Group Activity: Walking on the lines        
Approximate Time: 10 minutes
Materials Needed:
     Duct Tape (Or any available colorful tape)
Vocabulary: Balance, straight, zig zag, lines
How to start the activity:
     Tell the child that today we are going walk on a line to keep the balance. Let the child observe you how you place the tape on the floor. Place the tape on a straight line, on a zig zag line, or in a shape.
What to do in the middle:
     Encourage the child to walk on a the line without getting out.
     Count how many steps the child is giving.
     Challenge him/her to do it with one leg or in different ways.
·      The child can bring Legos or toys and place them on the tape. Then you can count how many objects you needed to complete it. You can ask open/ended questions like “Which line needed more Legos, the straight line or the zig zag line?”
How to finish the activity:
     Give the child a 5 minutes warning.
     Tell the child that is time to clean up. Let him/her help you to put the materials away.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Sunday March 29th> Activities

Good Morning my dear Toddlers!

Small Group Activity: Painting with a Tissue roll (Paper Tube)
Approximate Time: 15 minutes
Materials Needed:
     Paper tube (from the empty paper towel in the kitchen or a small one from the toilet paper)
Vocabulary: Circles, shapes, print, press, release, observe
How to start the activity:
     Tell the child that today we are going to print some circles on a paper using a paper tube.
What to do in the middle:
     Place some paint on a plate.
     Place the paper and the paper tube next to the child.
     Invite the child to dip the tube in the paint and observe what happens when he/she print it on the paper.
     Count how many circles the child made.
     Encourage the child to make figure with the circles (caterpillar, snowman, wheels for the car, and more” and he/she can draw with the marker around or inside the circles.
The child can decorate the paper tube and use it as binocular to see objects around the house.
How to finish the activity:
     Give the child a 5 minutes warning.
     Tell the child that is time to clean up. Let him/her help you to put the materials away.
     Display his/her work around the house.

Small Group Activity: Pizza Counting                                           
Approximate Time: 15 minutes
Materials Needed:
     Paper plate
     Red circles cutouts
Vocabulary: Count, slice, piece, How many?
How to start the activity:
     Tell the child that today we are going to make a pretend pizza and we are going to put a lot of pepperoni.
What to do in the middle:
     Bring the paper plate and with the marker make similar size divisions. You can divide it in 4, 6 or 8 ‘slices’ depending on your child’s counting ability.
     Once you divide it, invite the child with the glue to paste the red circles (In case you don’t have red paper to make circles, you can cut out some circles on fail paper or old magazines).
     Count together how many pieces of pepperoni the child pasted in each slice.
·      You can add different ‘Ingredients’ to the pizza (different color papers or shapes and then counted them while sorting them.
How to finish the activity:
     Give the child a 5 minutes warning.
     Invite the child to put the materials away and he or she can keep the pizza display around the house to show it to the rest of the family.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Thursday, March 26th > Activities

Please check the tab under the name "Conscious Discipline & HighScope" I have posted an article and a video about Active Learning. Have a wonderful weekend!

Small Group Activity: Transferring water with a sponge                     
Approximate Time: 15 minutes

Materials Needed:
·      2 containers (one with water and one empty)
·      Sponge
Vocabulary: Press, release, absorbs, squeeze, transfer, full and empty.

How to start the activity:
·      Show your child the materials and ask them something like, “I wonder what can we do with these materials.” Give the child the chance to answer. Demonstrate how the sponge absorbs the water and then how you can squeeze it to release it to the other container.
What to do in the middle:
·      Notice what your child is doing to introduce vocabulary.
·      Acknowledge the child’s actions.
·      You can have an extra sponge and copy what the child is doing. If you see that the child is having some difficulties, you can model it for him and her.
How to finish the activity:
·      Give a five minutes warning.
·      Ask child to help you to put all the materials away and give him/her a towel to clean up any extra water.

Small Group Activity: Washing baby dolls, animals or toys with a sponge
Approximate Time: 15 minutes

Materials Needed:
·      Big bucket or tub
·      Sponge
·      Water
·      Baby doll, animals or toys (water proof)
Vocabulary: Washing, cleaning, dirty, rub, scrub, sanitize.

How to start the activity:
·      Tell the child something like, “Today we are going to clean some of your toys. We will wash them, and rub them with the sponge, to clean all the germs away.”
What to do in the middle:
·      Observe how the child washes the toys.
·      Imitate the child’s actions and acknowledge his/her actions by describe them.
How to finish the activity:
·      Give 5 minutes water
·      Invite the child to get a towel and dry the toys and then put them back where they belong.

Materials that you will need for next week:

-Paper plate
-Red Paper
-Tissue role (Paper tube)
-Duct Tape
-Rubber Bands
-Shaving. Foam
-Food Color