Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Thursday, March 26th > Activities

Please check the tab under the name "Conscious Discipline & HighScope" I have posted an article and a video about Active Learning. Have a wonderful weekend!

Small Group Activity: Transferring water with a sponge                     
Approximate Time: 15 minutes

Materials Needed:
·      2 containers (one with water and one empty)
·      Sponge
Vocabulary: Press, release, absorbs, squeeze, transfer, full and empty.

How to start the activity:
·      Show your child the materials and ask them something like, “I wonder what can we do with these materials.” Give the child the chance to answer. Demonstrate how the sponge absorbs the water and then how you can squeeze it to release it to the other container.
What to do in the middle:
·      Notice what your child is doing to introduce vocabulary.
·      Acknowledge the child’s actions.
·      You can have an extra sponge and copy what the child is doing. If you see that the child is having some difficulties, you can model it for him and her.
How to finish the activity:
·      Give a five minutes warning.
·      Ask child to help you to put all the materials away and give him/her a towel to clean up any extra water.

Small Group Activity: Washing baby dolls, animals or toys with a sponge
Approximate Time: 15 minutes

Materials Needed:
·      Big bucket or tub
·      Sponge
·      Water
·      Baby doll, animals or toys (water proof)
Vocabulary: Washing, cleaning, dirty, rub, scrub, sanitize.

How to start the activity:
·      Tell the child something like, “Today we are going to clean some of your toys. We will wash them, and rub them with the sponge, to clean all the germs away.”
What to do in the middle:
·      Observe how the child washes the toys.
·      Imitate the child’s actions and acknowledge his/her actions by describe them.
How to finish the activity:
·      Give 5 minutes water
·      Invite the child to get a towel and dry the toys and then put them back where they belong.

Materials that you will need for next week:

-Paper plate
-Red Paper
-Tissue role (Paper tube)
-Duct Tape
-Rubber Bands
-Shaving. Foam
-Food Color

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