Sunday, March 22, 2020

Monday March 23rd > Activities

Dear Parents: Please check the tab under the name "Conscious Discipline" I have posted a new video from our school counselor. 

Small Group Activity:  Counting

Approximate Time: 15 minutes
Materials Needed:
·      Bowl
·      Rice or Sand
·      Small objects, like pompoms, small cars, small animals, pebbles (you can choose one or two objects)
Vocabulary: Count, hidden, numbers 1 – 15, more, less, few
How to start the activity:
·      Provide all the materials and say something like “There are objects hidden inside the bow!” “I wonder how many objects you can collect?”
What to do in the middle: 
·      Let the child touch the rice or sand and let them explore the materials in their own way. You can ask open-ended questions like, “I wonder how many cars/pebbles you collected?” Let them count by themselves or with your support. You can compare and ask who has more pebbles/cars, or less.
How to finish the activity:
·      Tell your child that after five minutes it's time to clean up 
·      Return all objects back to their places.

Small Group Activity:  Making a bottle shaker
Approximate Time: 15 minutes
Materials Needed:
Empty water bottle
Rice, or pebbles/rocks

Vocabulary: shaker, shake make sound
How to start the activity:
Provide the materials.  Say something like, “I will put some rice in my bottle. 
What to do in the middle:
Continue putting more rice/pebbles in the bottle and listen to hear what your child will say.  I wonder what I can do with this. 
Cover the bottle and shake.
How to finish the activity:
Say something like, we’ve made a shaker and we can use it to make sound.  Sing a song as we use your musical instrument

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