Sunday, March 15, 2020

Monday, March 16th > Activities

Good Morning my dear Toddlers! Here are the activities for today and I'm also attaching some pictures of Lara doing the activity so you can see how she uses the materials in different ways (with the funnel, with the spoon and with her hand). Have fun! I miss you!!!

Small Group Activity:  Sensory Rice Bowl

Approximate Time: 15 minutes
Materials Needed:
     Small empty water bottle
     Funnel (optional)
Vocabulary: Empty, full, heavy, light, pour, inside
How to start the activity:
     Provide all the materials, and say something like “We are going to fill this empty water bottle with rice. I wonder how we can fill this bottle?
What to do in the middle:
     Let the child touch the rice, use the funnel or the spoon to fill the rice inside the bottle, and let them explore the materials in their own way. You can ask open-ended questions like “I wonder what you are using to fill the bottle? How many spoons did you use to fill the bottle?” How do you feel when the bottle is full?
How to finish the activity:
     Tell your child that after five minutes it's time to clean up
     Tell your child that you can keep the rice bowl in the kitchen if he/she will use it at another time

Small Group Activity: Reading

Approximate Time: 15 minutes

Materials Needed:
     Any book available

Vocabulary: flip the page,cover,title,author,begin,end,main words related to the story

How to start the activity:
     Give your child a choice to pick one of two books available and say something like “Would you like to read this book?”
What to do in the middle:
     Go through the pictures in the book,start with the cover without reading.Acknowledge their ideas.Make them predict what may happen next as you go through the book.
How to finish the activity:
     Recall the story. Ask and answer questions related to the book
     Give your child five minutes time and say ,”It's time to clean up”
     Tell your child that you are going to keep the book in a (Certain area) in the house

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