Sunday, April 5, 2020

Monday, April 6th> Activities

Good Morning my dear Toddlers!

Small Group Activity: Planting
Approximate Time: 10 minutes

Materials Needed:
      Chickpeas or lentil seed or wheat

Vocabulary: roots, seed, stem, leaves, growing, light, water.

How to start the activity:
      Tell the child that today we are going to plant some chickpeas, and you need his/her help to water it so the plants can grow day after day.
What to do in the middle: 
      Start planting the seeds by setting a cotton base on the cup/plate. Spread the seeds on top of the cotton and ask them questions like, “I wonder what the plants need to grow?” I wonder what you will notice tomorrow. I wonder how high the stem will grow. Observe and notice every day with your child and talk about the changes that they can see.
Extension:(to further challenge the child you may add the following steps)
      Plant two cups of chickpeas and leave one in a dark place and the other near the daylight. Challenge them to observe and compare the difference between both plates.
How to finish the activity: 
      Give the child a 5 minutes warning.
      Tell the child that is time to clean up. Let him/her help you to put the materials away and remind him/her that every day will water the plants.

Small Group Activity: Patterning        
Approximate Time: 10 minutes
Materials Needed:
      Duct Tape (Or any available tape)
      Soft balls/small legos
Vocabulary: pattern, stick, stack
How to start the activity:
      Tell the child that today we are going to stick a soft ball on the tape. Let the child observe how you place the tape between the door or wall.
What to do in the middle: 
      Encourage the child to stick the ball on the tape.
      Count how many balls the child is sticking.
      Challenge him/her to do it in a pattern like, blue, red, blue, red. (Whatever color available)
Extension:(to further challenge the child you may add the following steps)
      The child can bring Legos or toys and stick them on the tape. Then you can count how many objects he/she stacked. You can challenge them to do a pattern like red, blue, yellow, red, blue, yellow.
How to finish the activity: 
      Give the child a 5 minutes warning.
      Tell the child that is time to clean up. Let him/her help you to put the materials away.

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