Monday, April 13, 2020

Tuesday, April 14th> Activities

Good Morning my Dear Toddlers!

Small Group Activity: Bowling
Approximate Time: 10 minutes

Materials Needed:
  • 5 water bottles  (put some water to give it some weight), medium size ball
Vocabulary: knock down, how many, count, Bowling, roll
How to start the activity:
  • Tell your child that you are going to play a game together.  You will throw the ball and knock down the bottles!  Then we will count how many bottle we have knocked down.
  • Tell him/her to help you line up the bottles.  Line them close to each other for ease of knocking them down. 
What to do in the middle: 
  • Take a turn first.  Count how many bottles you have knocked down together.  Point at each bottle as you count.  Your child then takes a turn and so on.  Each time you count, tell your child that the last number mentioned tells how many.
How you may extend:  You can write down the numerals of the bottles that you knock down or you can do tally marks
How to finish the activity: 
  • Give 5 minutes warning.  Tell your child that they will do the last bowling then you will move on to the next part on your routine.

Small Group Activity: Painting on ice
Approximate Time: 10 minutes

Materials Needed:
  • Bowl or Bucket
  • Ice cubes
  • Paint
  • Brushes
Vocabulary: Temperature, experiment, melting, cold, diluting
How to start the activity:
  • Tell your child that you are going to paint some ice cubes today.
  • Ask open-ended questions before starting like, “What do you think it will happen to the paint when you put it on the ice? Which color would you like to use first? Do you think the ice is warm or cold?”
What to do in the middle: 
  • Let the child explore the ice cubes, touch them, describe them, feel them.
  • Give the paint and brushes and observe how the child uses them.
  • Describe what is happening to the paint on the ice.
How you may extend:  Invite the child to place some ice cubes outside in the sun and observe what happens. Then, place some water in the freezer and tell the child that it will stay a couple of hours there, then get the water out of the freezer and observe the ice.
How to finish the activity: 
  • Give 5 minutes warning. 
  • Invite the child to clean up the materials with you.

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