Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Thursday, April 2nd > Activities

Please check the tab under "Conscious Discipline & High Scope" I have posted an article about "Literacy in Early Years" from Ms. Zarmeena. Thank you and have a great weekend!

Small Group Activity: The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Approximate Time: 15 minutes
Materials Needed:
     If you have the book, you can read the book to the child.
     If you do not have the book, you click the following link:                 
Vocabulary: egg, caterpillar, tiny, hungry, food, stomach ache, cocoon, and butterfly.
How to start the activity:
     Tell the child that today we are going to listen to a story about a caterpillar.
What to do in the middle:
     Play the video one time.
     When the video finishes, ask the child open/ended questions about the story like what the caterpillar eats on Monday or other days? why does he have a stomach ache?” What did he build around himself? And what did he turn into when he got out of his cocoon.
Extension:(to further challenge the child you may add the following steps)
     Invite the child to draw a picture about his/her favorite part of the story.
     Invite the child to recall the story and the sequence of the story.
How to finish the activity:
     Give the child a 5 minutes warning.
     The child might ask to watch the video again. You can ask him/her why he/she liked the video.

Small Group Activity: Guessing game with food
Approximate Time: 15 minutes
Materials Needed:
     Any kind of your child's favourite fruits, vegetables and dairy products.
     Scarf / or they can close their eyes by themself         
Vocabulary: taste, smell, touch, hard, soft, sweet, sour, healthy
How to start the activity:
     Tell your child that today we are going to close our eyes, and I will pass to you one kind of food, touch it, smell it, and taste it then guess what kind of food?
What to do in the middle:
     When your child touches the food ask questions like, How does the food feel? Is It soft or hard? Big or small?
     If your child tastes the food ask questions like? “I wonder if the food is sweet/ sour, yummy?” “ Do you like it ?
     Then invite him/her to guess what it was ?
Extension:(to further challenge the child you may add the following steps)
     Invite the child to make a fruit salad by cutting (with a plastic knife) the fruits with your support.
     Invite the child to recall/ draw what they ate from the beginning !
How to finish the activity:
     Give the child a 5 minutes warning and cleanup together.

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