Saturday, April 11, 2020

Sunday, April 12th> Activities

Good Morning my dear Toddlers!

-Today Ms. Fatimah (Arabic teacher) will be posting under her tab. 
-I am looking forward for our individual video calls this week!
-Have a great day!

Small Group Activity: Measurement
 Approximate Time: 10 minutes 

Materials Needed:
      Feet shape cut out
      Small Lego/ any small object

Vocabulary: measure, length, count, foot span, short, long

How to start the activity:
      Tell your child that you will trace his foot and as well as any other family member’s foot on a paper, so we can measure it.
What to do in the middle: 
      Start to place the Lego on the foot shape cut out, then start to count how many Legos he/she placed it on the cut out paper and ask questions like, “I wonder how many Legos you put on the foot? Which foot looks shorter / longer?
      Try to challenge them if they can change the Lego to a smaller object then ask how many he/she placed and compare the difference.

How to finish the activity: 
      Give the child a 5-minute warning then clean up together.

Small Group Activity: Painting with a new material
 Approximate Time: 10 minutes

Materials Needed:
      Cotton ball
Vocabulary: Dot, paint, mix, different light, dark, shade

How to start the activity:
      Say something like, we are going to use a new material to paint on the paper. Place the cotton balls on the pegs with your child.
What to do in the middle: 
      Encourage your child to hold the peg and dip it on the paint color they choose, and let them experiment the material in their own way and ask a question like, “I wonder how it looks like when you dip the colored cotton balls on the paper?
      You may ask your child if they notice a difference when they mix colors, or which colors made the paint darker or lighter on the paper?
How to finish the activity: 
      Give the child a 5-minute warning then clean up together.

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